
Our Evolution

GOOD Travel was founded in 2013 by four inspiring women with a mission to transform the tourism industry into a force for good.

This mission was in response to what the founding women witnessed and experienced during their own travel journeys. Over the next 10 years GOOD Travel designed and delivered trips that harnessed tourism’s potential to improve the livelihoods of hosts and restore the natural environments they visited. GOOD Travel was an early leader of sustainable, responsible and conscious travel. 
Our 10 year celebration video provides a snapshot of our accomplishments during these 10 years. Our annual impact reports also offer a more detailed reporting of the impact of our work during these founding years.

The global pandemic in 2020 provided a pause and opportunity to reflect upon these 10 years, and with the addition of Regenerative Practitioners Josie Major and Debbie Clarke to the team, a new phase for GOOD Travel emerged. The team spent an intensive 6 months applying regenerative design principles to our own business model, exploring who we are, what is our essence, what are the systems we’re part of and have a responsibility to contribute to, and where is the potential in this relationship between our essence and what our systems need. It’s heady work! But what emerged was a clear understanding of how we can implement our original mission of transforming the tourism industry into a force for good by transforming travel for a thriving world.

What also became apparent was our complete reliance on international trips as our sole means of impacting the industry, and generating revenue. Developing diverse revenue streams that align with our ability to regenerate the systems we’re part of just made good business sense.

As we began to deepen our understanding of how we can work across multiple systems, and increase our resilience by diversifying our revenue streams at the same time, the vision of a Centre for GOOD Travel emerged. Launching the Centre for GOOD Travel in 2023 is the next phase in our evolution.

Stay tuned as we continue to adapt and evolve. More changes are inevitable as we continue to regenerate ourselves.

A Journey of Becoming - A New Role for Tourism

What is needed of our sector in a VUCA world?
July 5, 2024

A Journey of Becoming: Working in Systems

The last in a series explaining our transition to the Centre of GOOD Travel.
July 5, 2024

Evolving as a regenerative business

If you have questions about how a regenerative approach to your organisation or community can build your resilience and sustainability, deepen your connection to your place, and develop a regenerative culture and mindset, then let’s connect.

We take what we’ve learnt from our own evolution and experience as a tour operator seeking to work regeneratively, and support others to embark on this journey.
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